NEWS!! Abstract submission extended:
6 February 2023
The Symposium, organized by the University of Foggia, is one of the most important international scientific meetings on innovations in basic and applied research related to artichoke cardoon and their wild relatives.
It will be held in Italy, a leading country for artichoke production, and in one of the most important Italian areas for artichoke growing (the Puglia region).
The dates will be on 18-21 April 2023 and the venue will be Molfetta (a nice city close to Bari airport). The Symposium will be organized as a hybrid event, providing all the opportunities of a conventional “in-person” event for those who will be able to travel, but it will keep the possibility to participate also from remote, especially considering possible pandemic problems which could still limit in-person participation.
The event will cover different aspects of artichoke, including cardoon and their wild relatives, growing. Topics will be: genetics and new genotypes evaluation, plant propagation, hormonal treatments, fertilization, irrigation management, pathogens and pests control, plant physiology, phytochemicals characterization, postharvest and processing, new uses and commercialization.
The Symposium will serve as a meeting place for research and industry, facilitating the application and dissemination of innovations throughout the value chain while enhancing knowledge transfer within different application areas.
We look forward to your participation in the event!
The Organizing Committee